Affirmation of Commitment
Note: As a church body, we annually affirm our commitment to the Lord and one another by reading the following together. All who deem Willowdale Fellowship to be their current church family are encouraged to state this commitment in this manner. This can also be done at any time of the year.
Willowdale Fellowship
Affirmation of Commitment
(Amended March 2017, April 2024)
Having read and agreed with the Willowdale Fellowship Statement of Faith, I gladly affirm with you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, to be committed to the calling, function and purpose of Willowdale Fellowship. I declare my personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord and acknowledge Jesus Christ as head of the Church. I also accept the Holy Scriptures as my supreme authority in matters of faith and practice. While committing myself to this local expression of the universal Church, I recognize that all who have put their faith in the saving life of Christ are members of His Body, the Church.
As individual parts of Willowdale Fellowship, we commit to love one another, to care for one another, to admonish one another and to encourage one another so that by our living together in this Christian community, the love of God may be evident in us to the non-believing world. As followers of Christ, we also accept the responsibility to share the Gospel Salvation message outside of the church.
We acknowledge that correct Biblical doctrine is important to our faith and agree that our common bond with the person of our risen Lord is the focal point of our fellowship. We further declare our desire and intention to respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit and to accept with joy, the gifts that He has given to each one for the building up of the church. Because of the unique gifting of the Holy Spirit, we affirm the fact that each member of this Body is an essential part.
We admit to the fact that we are imperfect. When we fail and our differences lead to frustration, pain and sin, we hereby declare our desire to submit ourselves to one another under God’s admonition, and to seek forgiveness, restoration and renewal.
I gladly affirm my commitment in the presence of God and my fellow believers of Willowdale Fellowship, Amen.
Name:________________________(print clearly) Date____________
" Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3:21